“The rider evolved to serve to the elephant.”
— Jonathan HaidtWhen people feel that their values are under attack, they become more committed to those values.
— Jonathan HaidtUnderstanding others requires suspending your own moral judgments and opening yourself to the possibility that some values are equally valid as your own.
— Jonathan HaidtIf you really want to understand another group, follow the sacredness. Find out what is sacred to them and why.
— Jonathan HaidtHuman beings are 90 percent chimp and 10 percent bee, and our bee-like nature allows us to be part of a hive, working together for common goals.
— Jonathan HaidtThe road to wisdom begins with the recognition of our own biases.
— Jonathan HaidtWe are ultra-social creatures, and our well-being depends on our connections with others.
— Jonathan HaidtOur moral thinking is much more like a politician searching for votes than a scientist searching for truth.
— Jonathan HaidtMoral arguments are seldom won with logic; they’re won by being part of the moral community and by gaining people's trust.
— Jonathan HaidtIf you really want to open your mind, start by opening your heart to the people you disagree with.
— Jonathan HaidtMoral humility is realizing that everyone sees the world differently and acknowledging that no one has a monopoly on moral truth.
— Jonathan HaidtWhen you see others in pain, don’t jump to conclusions about why; jump to compassion for what they’re feeling.
— Jonathan HaidtHappiness comes from between. It comes from getting the right relationships between yourself and others, yourself and your work, and yourself and something larger than yourself.
— Jonathan HaidtMorality binds and blinds. It binds us into teams that fight for shared moral values; it blinds us to the fact that each team sees a different but morally compelling vision.
— Jonathan HaidtPeople bind themselves into political teams that share moral narratives. Once they accept a particular narrative, they become blind to alternative moral worlds.
— Jonathan HaidtThe emotional tail wags the rational dog.
— Jonathan HaidtYou can't make a dog happy by forcibly wagging its tail. And you can't change people's minds by utterly destroying their beliefs.
— Jonathan HaidtWe are not only divided on our political beliefs but also on the very notion of what is right and wrong.
— Jonathan HaidtHumans are not purely self-interested creatures; we evolved with moral intuitions to protect others and foster cooperation.
— Jonathan HaidtEmpathy can bridge our divides if we choose to use it as a foundation for action and understanding.
— Jonathan HaidtPeople don’t adopt their values through logic. They adopt them by aligning with groups that have narratives they find compelling.
— Jonathan Haidt