Famous Quotes by Rupertus Meldenius

“In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; in all things, charity.”

Rupertus Meldenius

In essentials unity, in non-essentials liberty, in all things charity.

Rupertus Meldenius

If we were to preserve unity in essentials, freedom in non-essentials, and charity in both, our affairs would certainly be in the best place.

Rupertus Meldenius

In everything, love must be the underlying principle that guides our thoughts and actions.

Rupertus Meldenius

True unity is achieved through mutual respect and love, not mere agreement on every point.

Rupertus Meldenius

We must allow freedom of thought in non-essential matters while preserving unity on the core truths of the faith.

Rupertus Meldenius

Christian love should be the guiding force, even when unity seems difficult to achieve.

Rupertus Meldenius

Our differences do not define us; it is our shared commitment to love that unites us in the faith.

Rupertus Meldenius

Peace among Christians is not found in complete agreement, but in the charity that transcends disagreements.

Rupertus Meldenius

The path to peace is paved with love, understanding, and the willingness to accept others as they are.

Rupertus Meldenius

The spirit of peace in the Church is built on mutual respect and shared love, not on uniformity of thought.

Rupertus Meldenius

The true strength of the Church lies in its ability to love each other beyond the boundaries of doctrine.

Rupertus Meldenius

We must defend unity in the essentials, allow freedom in the non-essentials, and always act in charity toward others.

Rupertus Meldenius

Let our love for each other exceed our differences, and we will find the path to true unity.

Rupertus Meldenius

A Christian’s duty is to pursue unity in the essentials, liberty in the non-essentials, and charity in all things.

Rupertus Meldenius

We must not let differences in opinion divide us, but let love bind us in all things.

Rupertus Meldenius

True Christian unity is built on the foundation of charity, even in the face of differing views.

Rupertus Meldenius

In the essentials, let us hold fast together; in the non-essentials, let us be free; in all things, let us love one another.

Rupertus Meldenius

It is not the uniformity of beliefs that builds a community, but the commitment to love despite differences.

Rupertus Meldenius

Charity is the bond that holds the Church together, even when we disagree on secondary issues.

Rupertus Meldenius

When we agree on the essentials and love each other through our differences, the Church flourishes.

Rupertus Meldenius

The key to Christian peace is not conformity of thought but harmony in love.

Rupertus Meldenius